Club Rules and Handbook

On road, off road, round in a big circle or down to the coast, we do the lot. We don't just do it at all speeds and for all levels, we do it Agreeably as well!

Club Rules and Handbook

Postby Phil H » Fri Nov 22, 2013 10:58 pm



[size=150]OFFICIALS 2016[/size]
[tablething][tabrow][tabcell]President & Chairperson:[/tabcell][tabcell]Joyce Smith[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]General Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell]Phil Hawkes[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Minute Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell][/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Treasurer and membership:[/tabcell][tabcell]Phil Nash[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]BC Licence Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell]N/A[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Cyclo Cross Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell]Mark Leedham[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]MTB Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell]Lesley Wilkinson[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Road Racing Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell]Paul Tunnell[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Road Race Administration:[/tabcell][tabcell]Ashley Nunn[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Time Trials Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell]Jon Camden[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Club Events Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell]Phil Nash and Tim Coales[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Track Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell]Mark Leedham[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Social Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell][/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Cyclosportives Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell]Simon Lythgoe[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Web Administrator:[/tabcell][tabcell]Marco Faimali[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Trophy Secretary:[/tabcell][tabcell]Andrew Francis[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Club Welfare Officer:[/tabcell][tabcell]Andrea Howlett[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Women’s cycling liaison:[/tabcell][tabcell]N/A[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Go-Ride co-ordinator:[/tabcell][tabcell]Simon Lythgoe[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Club Captain:[/tabcell][tabcell]Jon Camden[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Auditors:[/tabcell][tabcell]Alex Protasiuk and Brian Thompson[/tabcell][/tabrow]
[tabrow][tabcell]Other Committee[/tabcell][tabcell][/tabcell][/tabrow][/tablething]

[size=150]Event Promotions[/size]

    Open 10 mile TT
    Open 25 mile TT
    17.5 mile sporting TT (50% women)
    South East Road Race League Road race
    Surrey League Road Race
    Surrey League Handicap Road race
    Open Cyclo-Cross
    Crystal Palace Criterium
    Herne Hill Track meeting

Plus ‘Club’ events for members including Track Championship, Road Racing Championship, evening 10-mile time trials, cyclo cross, speed judging, cyclo-cross, hill climb and more….

[center][size=150]CLUB HEADQUARTERS[/size]
Christ Church Methodist Hall
114 Lower Addiscombe Road, Croydon. CR0 6AD[/center]

The objectives of the Club are to provide and organise club runs, social cycling, road time trials, track, road and MTB racing, cyclo cross, roller racing, and touring, and to encourage a spirit of good fellowship amongst its members.

[center]The Club is affiliated to the following organisations and leagues:

British Cycling
Cycling Time Trials
Cyclists’ Touring Club
London Cyclo Cross Association
Road Records Association
South East Road Race League
Southern Counties Cycling Union
Southern Road Records Association
South London Cyclists’ Darts League
South London Roller League
Surrey Cycle Racing League[/center]

[size=150]PAST PRESIDENTS[/size]
    C. F. Davey 1929-49
    P. A. Huggett 1950-54
    W. E. Wells 1955-58
    S. E. Armstrong 1959-61
    A L. Muller 1962-63
    E. F. Mundy 1964-74
    G. Andrews 1975-76
    Mrs B. Davey 1977
    G. Andrews 1978-80
    S. E. Harvey 198 1-83
    J. B. Smith 1984-92
    Mrs C.M. Watts 1993-97
    Mrs J Smith 1998 -

[size=150]LIFE MEMBERS[/size]

Life Membership has been bestowed on the following members in recognition of the valuable services they have given to the Club.
    Mrs C.M. Watts 1960
    J.F. Watts 1962
    Mrs J. Smith 1976
    A.P. Rayner 1983(deceased),
    P.V. Tunnell 1993
    A Montgomery 2010.

(Last amended at the AGM on 3rd December 2015)[/center]

[tablething][tabrow][tabcell]1.[/tabcell][tabcell]That the club be known as the ADDISCOMBE CYCLING CLUB. The colours of the Club shall be Black, Gold and White.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]2.[/tabcell][tabcell]The ADMINISTRATION of the Club shall be in the hands of a Committee comprised of the following Honorary Officers: Chairperson, General Secretary, Treasurer, and such other secretaries as agreed at the AGM from year to year. Up to five additional members may be elected to serve on the committee plus a Captain and sufficient Vice-Captains to conduct club runs, all of whom shall be eligible to attend committee meetings. The President and Past Presidents shall be members of the Committee. One person, one vote.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]3.[/tabcell][tabcell]Persons wishing to take out MEMBERSHIP of the club are required to complete an application form. Every member must have minimum third party insurance cover, which is available through the BC and CTC or other recognised cycling bodies.

• FULL (FIRST CLAIM) MEMBERSHIP entitles a person to all activities of the club, all voting rights, eligibility to win trophies, a commitment to undertake event duties, as required under rule 12, on acceptance and payment of the current annual subscription.
• SECOND CLAIM MEMBERSHIP entitles a person to compete in club events and be fully involved in club activities. Such members shall undertake event duties as required under Rule 12. They are not eligible to hold office, win trophies nor compete in open events in the name of the club. The annual subscription for second claim members is half that of full membership.
• SOCIAL MEMBERS entitles a person to take part in social activities and take any awards relating thereto (except the Memorial Trophy) but may not take part competitively in any cycling activities in the name of the Club, nor have any voting rights.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]4.[/tabcell][tabcell]All SUBSCRIPTION rates are reviewed annually and may only be changed at the Annual General Meeting. Subscriptions are due on 1st November. Any member failing to renew their subscription by 1st December will receive a reminder from the Membership Secretary. If payment is not made within fourteen days the member will be deemed to have resigned. New members elected after 30th June shall pay a reduced subscription for the remainder of that year. Membership Year is from 1st November to 31st October. Individuals over 70 years of age shall be free.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]5.[/tabcell][tabcell]The honour of PRESIDENT or VICE-PRESIDENT may be conferred on persons who have given exceptional service to the Club. Nominations duly proposed and seconded must be submitted in writing to the General Secretary, at least 28 days prior to the Annual General Meeting. This rule shall also apply to the Club Captain and Vice Captains.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]6.[/tabcell][tabcell]HONORARY LIFE MEMBERSHIP may be recommended by the Committee for any member who in their estimation has given valuable service to the club. The election of such member shall be confirmed or annulled at the following Annual General Meeting. Life Members shall be absolved from payment of subscriptions but shall retain the same privileges as those of full members. No member shall be so elected unless service in an active capacity has extended over a period of not less than ten years.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]7.[/tabcell][tabcell]The GENERAL SECRETARY shall conduct the day to day running of the club, arrange meetings of the Committee and General Meetings.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]8.[/tabcell][tabcell]The ANNUAL GENERAL Meeting shall be held in November/December for the reception of the annual reports, accounts, and election of officers plus two auditors. At least twenty-eight days’ notice shall be given of any such meeting and a minimum of 15 first claim members shall be required to form a quorum. Any proposed alteration to the rules shall be forwarded to the General Secretary, not later than 28 days prior to the meeting. An alteration to the rules requires the support of two-thirds of those present and voting.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]9.[/tabcell][tabcell]The General Secretary shall convene a SPECIAL GENERAL Meeting at any time on receiving a requisition signed by not less than 12 members or by resolution of the committee. Seven clear days’ notice shall be given of any such meeting and a minimum of 15 first claim members shall form a quorum. An alteration to rules can only be made if in the opinion of the Committee an emergency has arisen. The support of two-thirds of those present and voting would be required.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]10.[/tabcell][tabcell]The TREASURER shall be responsible for the receiving and safekeeping of all club monies and also the compiling of necessary accounts. Any monies received by the various officers of the Club shall be paid to the Treasurer. The accounts of the Club shall be made up to and including 31st October each year.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]11.[/tabcell][tabcell]SECRETARIES appointed at the Annual General Meeting shall be responsible for supplying and collating information on their specific disciplines.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]12.[/tabcell][tabcell]EVENT DUTIES (Marshalling, pushing off, results board, canteen etc). All racing members* to undertake event duties in at least two events a year in order to help promote cycling and cycle sport, or to assist in the promotion of cycling locally or nationally. For each member completing a pre-registered event duty (notified 14 days in advance and confirmed with the event organiser) a cash payment will be paid. (2010 - £5). Information about forthcoming events will be posted on the Addiscombe CC forum and on the club notice board in The Pine Café, Charlwood.
Additionally non-racing active members** are to assist in at least one event or to assist in the promotion of cycling locally or nationally. A full list of events and requirements will be published as available. Data from the previous year will be used to determine those eligible.
Exemptions to Rule 12:
    Any ACC member organising and/or promoting an event
    Any ACC member in their first year of membership
    Any unaccompanied juniors/juveniles

In the event that an eligible member fails without good reason to comply with Rule 12, the following shall apply:
• Racing members* shall be refused permission to either race in ACC colours or to participate in any ACC club run until event duty deficit is repaid.
• Non-racing members** shall be refused permission to participate in any ACC club run until event duty deficit is repaid.

*A racing member is defined as anyone participating in any organised cycling event e.g. a road race, off road race, sportive, time trial (inc. club events) representing ACC

**A non-racing active member is defined as anyone participating in any ACC club run who is not a racing member[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]13.[/tabcell][tabcell]The COMMITTEE shall have authority to deal with any vacancies that occur during the year and to deal with all matters not covered within these Rules. The Committee reserve the right to review membership of any member at any time, for any reason.[/tabcell][/tabrow]

[tabrow][tabcell]14.[/tabcell][tabcell]The Club shall have the power to remove a member from the Committee, if in it’s opinion; the member is not fulfilling their duties, or is not suitable for the role.

The process to be followed should be:
    1. The General Secretary/Chairman shall be advised in writing, or verbally at a committee meeting of the member concerned and the reasons.
    2. The committee will then consider the matter at the (next) meeting
    3. If a majority of those present at the committee meeting decide to proceed, then the General Secretary/Chairman will advise the member concerned of the issues, and that the matter will be dealt with at the following committee meeting, giving the member the opportunity to respond in writing
    4. After hearing any representation, the committee shall then take a vote, and a 2/3 majority of those present shall be required to proceed. The General Secretary/Chairman will advise the member in writing of the outcome. If the decision is to remove the member, then it will take immediate effect.
[tabrow][tabcell]15.[/tabcell][tabcell]To ensure continuity, the following committee members should give the general secretary at least 28 days notice before stepping down:
The process to be followed should be:
    1. President
    2. General Secretary
    3. Club Captain
    4. Road Racing Secretary
    5. Time Trials Secretary
    6. Mountain Bike Secretary
    7. Track Secretary
    8. Cyclo Cross Secretary
    9. Treasurer
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Phil H
Site Admin
Posts: 1883
Joined: Thu Sep 10, 2009 10:52 pm

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