Yoga classes for cyclist

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Yoga classes for cyclist

Postby Alan M » Sun Dec 05, 2010 3:45 pm

I have received this from Maurice at Dever Cycles

If you are interested you are welcome to make contact. Let us know how it goes

best wishes

Hi Alan,

Below are the details for the yoga class, let me know ASAP if you would like to take part.

Kind regards


Beginning Monday 10th January, we will be piloting a 7-week yoga for cyclists course in situ at De Ver cycles as kindly provided by Maurice and Mia!

For who? Initially this will be primarily aimed at yoga beginners and we would strongly encourage anyone interested to commit to the whole course. However, if you have yoga experience, you are more than welcome to attend too - each yoga posture has variations at different levels and we can certainly find variations to suit your experience.
This class is aimed at cyclists and deals with their typical physical tendencies, however it will of course benefit anyone who is engaged in other physical activities (climbers, runners etc.) or not - so welcome all.

When? Ideally I'd like to teach a class from 6 - 7.30pm. However, if this doesn't fit in with work schedules, perhaps we could start a little later - say anytime between 6.15 - 6.45pm (am coming from Hackney and would ideally prefer not to be cycling home too late!). Let us know what is best for you and we'll go for what works out best for most. Also, if this is too long, we can reduce it to one hour and 15 minutes.

How many people? We have estimated that we can fit between 7-8 people in the space comfortably, so depending on interest and popularity, we'll go on a first come first served basis.

Equipment I have a few mats I can provide (6 or so). Should you decide that yoga is a practice that you would like to maintain long-term, I would recommend you buy your own. The only other prop I would also recommend is a bolster - a long sausage shaped cushion. There are many benefits to these, but perhaps most importantly, it facilitates many postures that anyone can do (even the stiffest of cyclists with the most prawn like postures!), targets all the problem areas, bolster assisted poses are often entirely passive, meaning they require very little effort, but the benefits are enormous and they feel great! So if you're too knackered to do a full yoga practice, you can always lie back on one of these and they will ease all manner of postural, lower back, knee and shoulder complaints.

How much? £70 for the course (7 lessons). Concessions may be negotiated, just depends on how many people we get in.

Any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at this email address or the one below.

Hope to see you there!

What? This class specifically addresses a cyclists typical physical tendencies as a result of the imbalance created by repeated overexertion of some muscle groups and underutilisation of others. The class will concentrate specifically on:

Increasing full mobility in the joints that suffer from reduced mobility during cycling, in particular the hips, shoulders and knees.

Strengthening postural muscles to encourage correct seated alignment and ease overuse of the upper body and back strain.

Lengthening the commonly overdeveloped quadriceps, hip flexors and tight hamstrings.

Counteracting postures to balance out the cyclists position when astride a bike (eg. backbends etc).

Controlled breathing for increased exertion, endurance and efficiency.

The main aim being that students learn how to strengthen and stretch mindfully in class and apply these at any point pre or post ride and keep commonly developed cycle related injuries at bay.

Who am I? I've trained in various forms of Dance, Anatomy & Physiology and Yoga Teacher Training with Edward Clark and Elizabeth Connolly. I have taught and continue to teach these subjects since 2002.

Having cycled regularly for 16 years, practiced yoga for 13 and taught anatomy & physiology for 5, it made sense whilst doing my yoga teacher training to bring all disciplines together. What started off as simply a written assignment, gradually developed into a programme specifically designed to help cyclists.

Any questions, please don't hesitate to contact me at this email address or the one below.

Look forward to hearing from you!

Rebecca Bogue

yoga for cyclists
+44 07960 066 046
classes • workshops • one-on-one
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