29th July Ride100 London 2018 - 12 Safety Captains required

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29th July Ride100 London 2018 - 12 Safety Captains required

Postby Ian Bray » Tue May 29, 2018 3:59 pm

Addiscombe CC has been selected to recruit up to 12 riders for the Ride Safety Captin role for the 100 mile event.

We are looking for experienced, confident and competent cyclists who understand the safety aspects of cycling in groups. They also need to be comfortable sharing their knowledge and experience on the road for the benefit of those less experienced riders or those unaware of their behaviour. Ideally people who have ridden the event before.

To summarise the flow of involvement please see below:

1. Each club will be given a number of free places based on club size to assign to suitable members to ride in the event as ‘Ride Safety Captains’
2. Details (name and email address) are entered in to the entry console and then each rider must complete their own registration
3. We require one lead person per club to be the single point of contact for the system
4. We will contact you directly regarding wave allocation and the grouping of members within the club to waves
5. Entry consoles will be ready within the first week of June

Pre Event
1. Instructions will be emailed to all riders and the club contact
2. All rider packs must be collected from the Cycling Show at ExCeL prior to the event (Thursday – Saturday).
3. A club member riding as a Ride Safety Captain can collect all the club packs together as long as they know the clothing sizes of each rider
4. We have created a separate and dedicated registration desk for this purpose. This will also enable the free jersey and arm warmers from Castelli to be collected and briefing documents to be supplied. We do not need to know jersey size prior to the event as we have a complete range of sizes available this year
5. We have arranged with Evans that each rider will be able to select a pair of Continental tyres and inner tubes from their online store for free with a promotional code. These can then be collected or delivered directly to the rider pre-event

Event Day
1. Ride Safety Captains will report to the velodrome via the VIP route (directions will be provided)
2. Riders will need to check-in and will be given a final briefing with any on the day event updates
3. A free breakfast will also be provided at the velodrome. Bag drop is also at the velodrome.
4. Riders can also pick up spare inner tubes for assisting riders (optional) and a whistle on a lanyard for alerting riders to hazards
5. Riders can then access the start line directly (no queueing) and load at the front of the their allocated wave via the VIP access route
6. Details about roles and responsibilities plus communications will be circulated to all riders

Post Event
1. Feedback and learnings from 2018 by email post event by September
2. Review meeting in November to plan for 2019
Ian Bray
Posts: 53
Joined: Tue Mar 17, 2015 1:27 pm

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