Rude kid @ GB's

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Rude kid @ GB's

Postby adrian » Sat Aug 16, 2003 11:20 am

Is it just me, or is the guy at GBs with the silly hair (not Geoff or Guy - don't know his name) the most miserable get on the planet? Every time I've been in there, and have been unlucky enough to be served by him, I've been staggered by his lack of social/PR/customer-service skills.

Yesterday I went there to finally take delivery of my ACC kit. I'd ordered it in May and had thereafter rung up almost weekly to enquire as to the order's progress. The longest I'd left off calling was two weeks - the two weeks preceding yesterday. So I was a bit surprised to get a bollocking for not picking it up sooner - the guy swore blind that it had been in since the launch party. Unlikely, this, given that the party was in April, and that I didn't order the stuff until May! He brushed this off as a minor detail, and continued to harangue me, a soliliquoy he only interrupted to give a telephone caller pretty short shrift (fair enough, though - the caller did have "a f***ing mad stutter"). And when I asked if CTC membership entitled me to any discount, well, I might have shat on the shop floor to judge by his reaction.

Surely, if you just don't like people and go around all day with a face like a slapped arse and an attitude to match, you're in the wrong line of work?
Needless to say, I won't be darkening their door again. Give me South Bank Cycles every time.

Has anyone else experienced this, or is it just me?

PS The yellow of the bib short in no way matches the yellow of the shirt. Rubbish!
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Postby Matt_Ives » Sat Aug 16, 2003 8:37 pm

If it's the same guy I'm thinking of, then yes, I couldn't agree more.
The guy obviously has issues.
BTW: you should hear how he talks to some of the other staff there: unbelievable!!
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Postby steve c » Sun Aug 17, 2003 10:27 pm

sounds like he should be driving a bus :shock:
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