Race Training

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Race Training

Postby Alan M » Fri Jan 20, 2006 11:50 am

This week's digest contains reference to a proposed road race training sesson with John Leitch on 26th Feb, 10.00 am at Newchapel village hall with a lunch to follow. Paul is requesting feedback on this as an idea.

I would think that this could be quite good for many club runners wanting to get a feel for the road race. I have yet to compete but I have completed 4 sessions with John and I think it has helped with fitness and endurance as well as inroducing me to some of the finer points of road racing but in a safe and controlled way.

John is a fairly laid back instructor but has a great deal of experience. A typical session includes some sprints, simulations of breakaways and attacks and through and off technique. We usually finish with a fast 40 minutes in a group of equalish strength

I suggest that if you are interested that you indicate by way of a reply to this posting and we'll get a sense of whether there is enough interest.

Best wishes

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Postby huw williams » Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:48 pm

I'll be there Al
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Postby adrian » Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:44 pm

This sounds like a great idea. That particular date may be a problem for me - I'll need to confirm - but were this to be repeated regularly, I'd certainly be interested.
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Postby Gavin » Fri Jan 20, 2006 1:57 pm

Sounds good. I should be up for this one.
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Postby Alan M » Fri Jan 20, 2006 2:05 pm

Further correspondence with John reveals that he doesn't have this date reserved for ACC but he wants to make contact via email with Paul Tunnell or Keith Knight. I don't have these emails so if anyone does please send to me via PM or to John

He is howevever running something for 3/4th Cats on 5th Feb. I will be on my way to Mallorca but others may wish to attend. The details are below. The starter pack sessions are for novices like me but I attended the 3/4 cat session earlier this month and found that I could just about cope. I hope that this helps - if in doubt contact John

John Leitch, coach
home: 01737 84 36 01
m: 079 63 37 72 49

LAST GASP a three-in-one training day

?for 3rd Cat and 4th Cat riders

?for Starter Pack riders

?for women?s group riders

venue: Newchapel village hall (parts ?not all - of it)

Sunday 5 February 2006 starting on the road at 12.00

timetable: doors open 11.30am
group heads off 12.00 noon
hall booking ends 3.30pm

the plan:

To have a day with the focus on riding in groups?.so call it a team time-trial session, or a through-and-off session, or whatever, it is aimed at preparing riders for the moment where they are in a race in a small, equal-ability group or riders who are all doing a turn (at best) or having a moment at the back in order to recover (at worst).

If you came to the comparable session last spring, it was based at Goodwood, you?ll already have the right concept in your mind.

3rd and 4th Cat riders
By all means talk amongst yourselves and come with a pre-formed group, be it three, four, five, or six riders.

There might be a need to step in and adjust groups during the event, perhaps depending on how may people turn up, and shake it up but the aim is for you to be riding in a group that suits you.

Starter Pack riders
I thought we had another month to play with this winter. But no, the three beginners? races are looming very close.

The dates you need to have in your diary are: February 18
February 25
March 4
The aim is to hold them all at MoD (the part known as Qinetiq) circuit at Chertsey but wait for final info on this from Glyn Durrant

Women?s group
The event before Christmas failed to rustle up a lot of response. Hopefully you?ll have been getting the basic miles in on your own and, for you as well as the guys, this is also the right time to bring group skills into the frame.

Women riders are included in the invite to the beginner?s races (see above) as these events include a blend of stop-start riding and recovering, with some laps ridden in through-and-off style, followed by a full blooded (but short) race or two.

The venue ? we are one of two bookings

Some riders had difficulty in finding Newchapel in the past so here?s some info to help:

http://www.streetmap.co.uk/newmap.srf?x ... search.srf

You?re looking for the area in the centre of the map, a rural area mid-way between Smallfield (which is east of Horley) and Newchapel, shown as being on the A22 (look to the west of Lingfield).

You should see a circle of brown roads? that?s the circuit and the hall is on one of them.

If you find yourself at Horne Golf Club on Croydonbarn Lane, then just 50m away is a T-junction leading into Bones Lane. Turn into Bones Lane and continue for a mile until you come to a hamlet. The village hall is there on the right.

The map shows a yellow road with Horne Park Farm on one side of it and a couple of building and a telephone symbol marked on the opposite side?. the village hall is one of those two buildings.

If you come from the opposite direction: leave the A22 at the roundabout, following the B2028 heading west towards Crawley. Take a minor road to the right in just 300m, follow it for 500m and at the T-junction go left. You?ll find the village hall on your left in 400m.

We are the second booking

This was the only date when the hall was available ahead of the first beginners? race on February 18, so I took it even though it was part-booked already.

We do not have access to the main room (the one with the stage) which is pre-booked from 11.30 to 1.30. So no dramatics from anyone, please.

But the good news is that we do have the toilets?and if it is wet outside, we have the small room which will give us a covered area for signing on.
Which reminds me, there is a £3 charge for these events. Surrey League does not provide them for free. If you are one of those who opts not to pay (names available at a price), please stay away and use the circuit on another day.
John Leitch 07963 377 249
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Postby Graham O » Mon Feb 06, 2006 10:58 pm

I'd like to come along as well if there is still room..
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Postby richv » Tue Feb 07, 2006 10:39 am

If you want to go along drop Paul Tunnell an e-mail - he is organising it and doesn't read the forum. His email is paul.tunnell@landg.com.
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