Winter Training

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Winter Training

Postby tel » Sun Oct 28, 2012 9:19 pm

After a week off the bike, I felt guilty and started my winter training campaign.

Around 3 hours tapping away at approx level 2 with some spirited efforts just to ease the boredom was quite enjoyable today.

That got me thinking what other peeps do during the off season-some big gear work or spinning at over 100 rpm perhaps.

Would be interested to hear your thoughts, especially vets. I`m under impression that you should use it or lose it. Not just base miles.

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Re: Winter Training

Postby Andrew G » Mon Oct 29, 2012 1:48 pm

Sorry I'm not a vet yet Terry :) , but it's a bit of mix and match with some good long miles in. That's the theory but this last year was a bit of a write off for a couple of reasons.

Living on the edge of the North Downs it's impossible to just tap around steady all the time as the hills get in the way. I do long steady winter miles rides, but these will still be at a reasonably pace and not just pottering about but they won't be hard charging either. I do some hill sessions, well I go out for some hilly rides and the buggers around here mean that there's a minimum amount of effort I could put in to get up the damn things anyway!

I tend to mix my commuting up with some faster runs or just interval on the up bits or the headwinds. Club runs from about Nov to Feb will predominantly be done on fixed, or if not then fixed on Sunday. I like fixed for winter training as it doesn't allow any slacking, you get a mix of power and cadence workouts, and the bike is nice and simple for grotty weather.
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Re: Winter Training

Postby tel » Mon Oct 29, 2012 5:28 pm

Thanks for replying Andrew.

I went out today with good intentions of doing some repeats up Box Hill. Some men were working on the zigzags which made me go even slower. In the end did two circuits of the Ballbuster course and went home.

Two hours 20mins in the saddle today. Will try to do this ride once a fortnight throughout winter (weather permitting).

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Re: Winter Training

Postby Andrew G » Mon Oct 29, 2012 6:21 pm

Work on Zig Zag :? must be still trying to get the paint off :lol: .

First priority for me is re-wintering the fixed, still mudguard and brakeless with a track gear on it.
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Re: Winter Training

Postby Andrew G » Mon Oct 29, 2012 9:24 pm

Forgot to say I tend to use weekends for the longer stuff and the commute fit the bits and pieces. I have big ring and small ring days to mix up cadence and power.
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Re: Winter Training

Postby Paul H » Wed Nov 07, 2012 8:30 pm

I think it is important to do some intensity sessions over the winter. As you say, use it or lose it so get on the turbo and do some intervals.

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Re: Winter Training

Postby Marek » Wed Nov 07, 2012 10:36 pm

By the looks of things when i was in Majorca last week, most of the vets go out there for weeks on end and ride about 500 to 600km per week. So get on a plane and hire an apartment and get riding.


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