To Train or not to Train

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To Train or not to Train

Postby Toks » Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:03 pm

Apart from RobH, Huw, Sylv and perhaps one or two thers who may utilise the full Powermeter software package thingy - including TSS (Training Stress Scores, CTL (Chronic Training Load), ATL (Acute Training Load) etc I think most of us base when to train (assuming you have time :roll: ) on what our legs feel like fatigue, and health etc. I currently train 3 days on, one day off and rotate it. Occassionally I'll plough on for 4/5 days in a row but usually need 48 hours rest to fully cover after such a long block. How does everyone else determine when to train or not to train. Oh and I mean "train" not just ride. :D
Last edited by Toks on Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:23 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: To Train or not to Train

Postby Mike I » Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:28 pm

Welcome to the 'get the miles in' club Sean :D . All you need now is a flapjack and some white socks (that's socks, not kneewarmers) and Mr :mrgreen: might upgrade you from associate membership.
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Re: To Train or not to Train

Postby Snoop Doug » Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:33 pm

O exalted Toks, King of the motivators.

To remind you in the winter of 07 08 I enrolled to the Richv school of hard knox. I did two/three turbo sessions a week, some longer rides and raced for a bit. I enjoyed this regime because Richv was able to motivate me, I was coming from a v low base and so I saw measurable improvement. The turbo sessions were short and sharp. I goofed my shoulder end of May and that screwed things up for me - which is why I had to stop.

I'm finding my way back to the bike at the moment. Focussing on recent events I have begun to commute, serious stylee. So - that means slick tyres on the mtb, rack and panniers and a full tilt 15 mile slogathon into and out of work. I keep saying to myself, take it easy this morning/evenin feller, but i just can't hepl meself. I can cope with three days of that and I'm really feeling it on the home leg day three. I don't wear any gizmoids so I've no idea what's a goin on physiologically but I love it, it hurts, and if the chase that Jon, Adrian and I got into on the way back from the caff meant anything, some strength is coming back :twisted:

I do pilates on a Wednesday evening. I can't speak highly enough of this, I love it :D We have a great teach and I am amazed by how much little things like balance, core stability (y'see I do read the manual) etc have improved. And it makes me stronger.

Cheers - Snoop
Snoop Doug

Re: To Train or not to Train

Postby kieran » Fri Apr 24, 2009 4:54 pm

well, until recently the answer was simple: not to train.

Now I have started up but based on last years lack of progress by last years 'training' methods I am not going as hard as I did, and using the commute to do about 3 full on sprints each way (lasting about 30 secs or so) and then taking it easy for most of the commute. So I am finding I'm not as tired as I was.

I have also done a few turbo sessions and of course the Saturday ride in which I push myself. So no real pattern, for example this week I did CP Tuesday night, nothing Wednesday, Hill reps on Thursday (9 times up Col de la Fontaine) and Friday (5 times up Col de la Fontaine this morning). I will be off the bike until Wednesday as in Ireland.
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