SCCU - Sporting Double Header

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SCCU - Sporting Double Header

Postby Jonathan » Sat Apr 23, 2016 6:26 pm

10 mile TT this afternoon, first ever as a seeded rider (no idea quite how that happened), due to some overrunning road works this course was moved off the G10/46 onto one nearby that I don't know the name of. So not really knowing the course and just knowing that it was 1.75 laps of the circuit I set off.

The course is mostly flat but with a couple of small drags and some incredibly bad road surface in places but not too much wind. I fairly quickly blasted past my minute woman and PVT who just came past for is second lap as I started. Once i'd done that I was on my own for the rest of the TT. I passed the finish for the first time after only 8 minutes but I quickly started to pay for my hard start (my HR monitor was playing up so I was running on feel/excitement), had I kept that pace I'd have got an 18 minute 10 but I slowed down a bit and crossed the line in 23:50 for 7th position, winner was Pat Wright of Paceline RT in 21:33.

Rob Royle-Evatt was the next best ACC finisher with a time of 27:16 and Paul Tunnell got 28:33.

Tomorrow is 4.1 laps of that circuit for a 25 mile TT, hopefully I can pace a bit better and get a stronger result.
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Re: SCCU - Sporting Double Header

Postby Jonathan » Sun Apr 24, 2016 4:31 pm

Turned up for the 25 mile TT of the double header. This was on the same roads as yesterday but this time it was just over 4 laps of the 6 mile circuit. I decided to attempt to pace myself a little better than yesterday, so set of fairly gently. I was steadily picking off other riders around the course but each lap the small double lump with the rutted descent caught me out, I could never quite put it together. Came into the final lap with a bit too much energy left and powered towards the finish.

Came in 11th with a time of 1:04:28, the winner was Steve Kane of Brighton Excel with a time of 59:09.

Need to get stronger and better at sitting in the TT position for an hour as my back required some stretching on the corners on the final lap.
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