Personally I think the bike fit was the best bit (also the dearest) and definately not something I would have done if I hadnt just gone mad at the time.
Basically the bike feels more alive beneath me ever since and I guess I just feel more confident in the bike since then. Shorter stem which I knew I needed anyway, slight change in saddle height and position etc.
Yeah you could do it yourself if you are of that frame of mind - I am not!
The wedging has made my knees feel almost perfect on the bike, no more hotspot pain in my feet either. I have heard some say that they have then reverted to pre wedging and still found no difficulty so how worthwhile is it? Well I think I am going to remove one wedge from under my right foot and stick with it. It seems to have worked for me.
Its personal taste, personal opinions etc.
Lets get some more views on this forum, talk more about it.
If you can afford it maybe do it and be prepared to scrap half of what they do later?
Anyway that my tuppence!!