Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

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Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Stephanie » Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:02 pm

[color=#0000FF]The Start:[/color]
I could see that there was a good turnout in numbers for the club yesterday and the weather was perfect for it too. However, I can’t speak so well of my experience in the 16’s group, as after a few miles into the club run I was dropped – I know your probably thinking what’s new? She’s always riding on her own.

[color=#FF0000]The Problem:[/color]
The difference between yesterday compared to any other day, is that when I got dropped a newbie (Peter) who was a little further behind caught me up and didn’t have a clue about where he was supposed to be going. The funny thing is I didn’t have a clue of how to get to the Cafe from where I was let alone find my way home! I was put in this position because I attempted to take the extended route with the group, a route that I have only done twice in two years since being with the club.

Before I got dropped I noticed that there was a guy in the group on a Focus bike, who was saying “all on” without even looking to see if everyone was on!

One of the main reasons I joined Addiscombe was because they looked out for their members new and old. Today for the first time I didn’t feel any of this. Instead I felt abandoned and started to question at what point did anyone realise that I was no longer in group? More to the point while my group members were in the cafe sipping tea did anyone even notice that I didn’t turn up at the cafe or even ride by??? Even worse, after calling the mobile of a Group Leader numerous times did it occur that something could of have happened?

All I can do at this point is thank the Lord not only for my Garmin (as this was what eventually got me home) but also for not leaving me abandoned with some sort of nutter! Peter is a really nice guy and I can only apologise for the unexpected long 44 mile club ride yesterday!

I understand that mistakes happen, people may miscalculate the group total half way on a ride and not realise that someone has been dropped or people may assume that others know where they are going and how to get there if they do somehow get separated from the group. I didn’t write this to moan or to put the club down in any way and I still continue to think highly of Addiscombe CC despite of what happened yesterday. However, this is a safety issue that needs to be addressed and somehow reduced. In total three people were lost yesterday myself, Peter and another female who was on her own trying to find her way back!

[color=#00BF00]The Suggestion:[/color]

1 - I think that every club member should have the mobile number of all the group leaders in case of emergency and/or separation from the group, this way a message can be sent and picked up at either the cafe or at the end of the club run.

2 - I also think that Group Leaders cycling jerseys should state that they are the group leaders by having “Group Leader” underneath the Addiscombe sign on the back of their top. What’s the point in having a group leader if you can’t distinguish them from the crowd?

3 - On the Addiscombe website it should state that all newcomers need should bring some basic essentials with them such as:

Mobile phone – this should be a standard requirement, everyone has one nowadays so I shouldn’t think that this should be a problem

Food – I only suggest this because Peter bonked along the ride yesterday and wasn’t sure why he was feeling so weak at times. A bit of basic education can go a long way for new comers such as suggesting the type of foods that can be eaten before and during a ride to help boost/maintain energy levels.

Puncture repair kit or spare inner tube – I put my hands up to this, not only was I lost yesterday I also had two punctures and a pump that didn’t work!

Money - £5 at least- this may not get you all the way depending on where you live but at least if you do get to a train station you can get yourself as close to home as possible

Yesterday was Peter’s third time out with the club and I can only repeat what was said, he couldn’t believe that he was left behind and he felt extremely disappointed with the way he was treated by the Club. However, despite him being physically and mentally challenged with the whole route back he still plans to return to the club the week after next.
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Dombo » Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:48 pm

Bad luck Stephanie, at least it wasn't raining.
I think i was dropped my third time out with the club. Also on one of the Brighton runs, at the top of Ditchling I went the wrong way at the main road. Found everyone at the restaurant then got dropped again at Salfords on the way home.
It happens, isn't very nice but isn't the end of the world either. I'm a grown up and don't expect others to look out for me. Yes it's sensible to bring all that stuff, money, food, phone, spare tubes and pump but the CR is limited to adults, who should know to bring stuff, or accompanied minors.
The ideal would be a back marker or two, but at the end of the day we're all adults, it's not a school trip.
And we are far more agreeable than most - getting dropped in the middle of the Brecon Beacons in February on a Welsh Club's CR is nothing if not character building
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Jon C C on a Bianchi » Sun Jul 11, 2010 2:57 pm

An excellent post, Stephanie, you're not the first this has happened to and I'm glad you posted - many good points well made.

I feel really bad that this could have happened. We have to get this sorted and make sure it doesn't happen again. We have a VC meeting this Monday to discuss the CR and I'll raise every issue you've made.

I guess it's some consolation that people were asking for you at the cafe and wondering where you were.

anyway take care - some good will come of this

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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Jojo » Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:28 pm

Good on you Jon. I just hope that the club captain takes stock of the cracks that are appearing in the cr. Also note Amy's comment about the SWRC thinking our cr is a joke as we always take the same route. Good to see other options yesterday but sorry to hear what happened to you Stephanie :(
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Dombo » Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:34 pm

Taking the same route has its benefits. I can now go with any group, even the Training Group, get dropped ooh, by the first roundabout, and STILL know where to find them a couple of hours later. SWRC - pah!
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Jojo » Sun Jul 11, 2010 3:49 pm

[quote="Dombo"]Taking the same route has its benefits. I can now go with any group, even the Training Group, get dropped ooh, by the first roundabout, and STILL know where to find them a couple of hours later. SWRC - pah!

Well I guess not everyone likes change. I liken the cr to eating at the same restaurant every Saturday and having the same meal every time.
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Marcus » Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:02 pm

Fish and chips every Friday night followed by a couple of pints of the black stuff down the Dog and Duck for the past twenty years and still not bored :D
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Dombo » Sun Jul 11, 2010 4:28 pm

[quote="Jojo"][quote="Dombo"]Taking the same route has its benefits. I can now go with any group, even the Training Group, get dropped ooh, by the first roundabout, and STILL know where to find them a couple of hours later. SWRC - pah!

Well I guess not everyone likes change. I liken the cr to eating at the same restaurant every Saturday and having the same meal every time.

So ride somewhere else. I do when I fancy a change. Leith Hill on the mtb was a worry today though, bit bumpy and rooty. Spotty moby signal and all alone in the woods, even took an unknown path to see where it led. And it was raining as I arrived so I could have caught a cold, or skidded in the mud. No ice though, which was a relief.
Time we all grew up and looked after ourselves.
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Antloony » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:00 pm

Poor show if we invite people along for a ride then can't even be arsed to look after them. Too many riders, not enough VC's perhaps???
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Amy » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:04 pm

Ah, I've just realised that it wasn't that your phone was not locked in your pocket but you were actually trying to ring me, Steph. Sorry, I'm not used to people actually ringing my mobile to contact me... I do get rung from time to time by people with my number by mistake because their keypad is not locked and being A, I'm at the top of their list of names :roll:

Ok, I'm not sure that I'm going to phrase this right, I'm not intending to slight anyone. I think there needs to be a balance. Yes, we do pride ourselves on generally not dropping anybody, especially if they are new to cycling, the club and the route but we shouldn't just rely on the group leader to keep on top of everything. If we're on the front leading, we can't tell what's happening at the back and have to rely on the rest of group to let us know if anyone is struggling. Yes, it would be ideal to have two VCs per group but it doesn't always happen and everybody should realise that they are just as responsible as any VC for the safety and integrity of the group/club. So, we really shouldn't have lost anyone new to the club.

Now the back to the point of having the same route every week. It does have its uses, as Dombo points out - most people should be able to pick up the route after riding it a few times, I hope... It is in origin a training ride which means a circuit that is known so that you can just concentrate on riding rather than wondering where next. I find it useful for getting back up to speed - you can go out with a faster group and know that you have the fallback of waiting for the next group (unless you're in the slowest group already).

However I also like the variety of routes available in Surrey, Sussex and Kent and have tried for years to prise at least some of the ACC off the route to Charlwood. Hence the reason I was out heading to Wisborough Green yesterday with Phil Hawkes for company as we tried to get a few more miles under our belts for the ToBM. I keep hearing all these people complain about doing the same route every week so why don't they come out and suggest some alternatives - I'd be glad to follow someone else for a change. Or come out with me when I suggest somewhere different - I enjoy showing people the lanes I grew up on and finding a few new ones too.

Personally, I think the main lesson to be learned from yesterday is EVERYBODY needs to look out for EVERYONE else.

Right, bunker time...
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Dombo » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:10 pm

Personally, I think the main lesson to be learned from yesterday is EVERYBODY needs to look out for EVERYONE else.

Right, bunker time...

Hear, hear. And don't take it personally if you do get abandoned. Sh1t happens.
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Toks » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:20 pm

[quote="Dombo"] I'm a grown up and don't expect others to look out for me. Yes it's sensible to bring all that stuff, money, food, phone, spare tubes and pump but the CR is limited to adults, who should know to bring stuff, or accompanied minors.
The ideal would be a back marker or two, but at the end of the day we're all adults, it's not a school trip.
And we are far more agreeable than most - getting dropped in the middle of the Brecon Beacons in February on a Welsh Club's CR is nothing if not character building
Nice one Dombo, I'm sure thats the spirit that built the club from a handful of members to 100+ a clubrun. :roll: Three people were dropped on a 16's club run, two newbies and a rider who isn't that strong.
The two newbies were quite pissed off and despite what you may think Steph was frustrated for the guy she was with because she was trying to advise him to eat cause he was bonking and at the same time appologising for taking him on a rather circular route back home. We've all been dropped on club runs and it's no problem if you know how to get back, what if you don't?
Once again, both Lorraine and Peter were annoyed and frustrated about what happened. In your view they clearly need to MTFU! (perhaps thats true). Nevertheless I'm sure they came out for a fun social ride and were not expecting to get dropped! I respect you're opinion but for our club like ours that sentiment is simply not good enough. VC's either need to make it clear that if you can't keep up you're own your own, or do the right thing accomadate all the people that are on the ride even if they're a little on the slow side. Starting things off and then moving to the back like Smiley John does would ensure this sort of thing doesn't happen.
Last edited by Toks on Sun Jul 11, 2010 6:17 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Dombo » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:32 pm

[quote="Toks"][quote="Dombo"] I'm a grown up and don't expect others to look out for me. Yes it's sensible to bring all that stuff, money, food, phone, spare tubes and pump but the CR is limited to adults, who should know to bring stuff, or accompanied minors.
The ideal would be a back marker or two, but at the end of the day we're all adults, it's not a school trip.
And we are far more agreeable than most - getting dropped in the middle of the Brecon Beacons in February on a Welsh Club's CR is nothing if not character building
Nice one Dombo, I'm sure thats the spirit that built the club from a handful of members to 100+ a clubrun. :roll: Three people were dropped on a 16's club run, two newbies and a rider who isn't that strong.
The two newbies were quite pissed off and despite what you may think Steph was frustrated for the guy she was with because she was trying to advise him to eat cause he was bonking and at the same time appologising for taking him on a rather circular route back home. We've all been dropped on club runs and it's no problem if you know how to get back, what if you don't?
Once again, both Caroline and Peter were annoyed and frustrated about what happened. In your view they clearly need to MTFU! (perhaps thats true). Nevertheless I'm sure they came out for a fun social ride and were not expecting to get dropped! I respect you're opinion but for our club like ours that sentiment is simply not good enough. VC's either need to make it clear that if you can't keep up you're own your own, or do the right thing accomadate all the people that are on the ride even if they're a little on the slow side. Starting things off and then moving to the back like Smiley John does would ensure this sort of thing doesn't happen.

Thanks for the selective quote of my post, Toks. Saves space I s'pose. Still, at least I managed to check Steph was ok when I saw her riding alone 70 miles into the Dragon Ride.
Last edited by Dombo on Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:36 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Roy Green » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:34 pm

Sorry to hear of your experience Steph, but glad that it's raised some positive thoughts on combatting future problems. I know you are man (?!!) enough to get over it. At least I was happy to play sheepdog to you on a ride back from Box Hill some time ago when the others cleared off - remember it? Think you are now too speedy for me to be cast in that role again!
However, I don't think that the chances of losing contact with a group is a good enough reason to keep to the groove-worn route out to Charlwood and back. Being among the slower brethren nowadays, I am limited in my choice of 'alternative' runs I can join. But my last two, with Pete's group to Ranmore Common and Abinger Hammer, and Snoops sortie this week to Box Hill and Walton through Little Switzerland, have been my most enjoyable club runs ever. Can't we get away from this term 'Alternative' clubruns. All runs by club groups are surely equally club runs.
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Re: Abandonment and Safety Concerns of the Clubrun!!

Postby Stephanie » Sun Jul 11, 2010 5:45 pm

[quote="Dombo"]Bad luck Stephanie, at least it wasn't raining.
I think i was dropped my third time out with the club. Also on one of the Brighton runs, at the top of Ditchling I went the wrong way at the main road. Found everyone at the restaurant then got dropped again at Salfords on the way home.
It happens, isn't very nice but isn't the end of the world either. I'm a grown up and don't expect others to look out for me. Yes it's sensible to bring all that stuff, money, food, phone, spare tubes and pump but the CR is limited to adults, who should know to bring stuff, or accompanied minors.
The ideal would be a back marker or two, but at the end of the day we're all adults, it's not a school trip.
And we are far more agreeable than most - getting dropped in the middle of the Brecon Beacons in February on a Welsh Club's CR is nothing if not character building

I know were all adults and should take responsibility for ourselves but isn’t cycling in a club supposed to be fun? :D

I know Addiscombe is very agreeable and I wouldn’t question this for a second. I don’t feel that the club being agreeable had anything to do with what happened yesterday, I mean every member I have come across in the club is so friendly, but if people are getting separated from the group and then ending up lost then what does being agreeable actually mean?

I have been dropped half a dozen times from the group and like you said its good character building. I know I’m not a strong rider and each time I come out with the club and join a group I stay with them for as long as I can and if I make it to the cafe then it’s a bonus for me! But I know the directions of the route that I am taking without having to rely on my Garmin or a map because I have done the route so many times.

Like I said I am not having a moan nor am I feeling any negativity about what happened. It a was lovely hot day one of the best we have had so far, I had loads of food and drink and a lovely view to take in along my way back.

I do agree it is one of those things that happen but I just can’t help but think that if it ever does happen again then maybe the impact can somehow be minimised such as reducing the stress that it can have on the individual.
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