so who wants to be a coach then?

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so who wants to be a coach then?

Postby JayneToyne » Wed Jan 14, 2004 1:49 pm

Ive copied the web link to the relevant page on the BCF site.
Two people said they were interested in becoming a coach at the committee meeting on monday night.

To bring the club forward to a point where we can offer much more for everyone riding with Addiscombe. With coaches we can encourage more youngsters... the racers of tomorrow and actually have some infrastructure to support people who want to compete.. or in some peoples cases their goal might be to lose weight and get fit, coaches are where its at.

Coaching doesnt have to take over your life, you dont have to be past it or even a regular winner. You dont have to give up competing either. A BCF coach is someone who has armed themselves with good reliable information on techniques of training, child protection, nutrition and basic mechanics of the sport. They also have good backing behind them for further information and up to date methods/ techniques etc.
They are someone who likes to see people achieve and love the sport.

coaching can also vastly improve your own training programme/ techniques/ skills.

its a win win situation, so if anyone wants more information, just ask me.... or go to the link at the top.

we could never have too many coaches in the club, we need about 6 really to cope with all the different disciplines and the curent number of members in the club.

Posts: 188
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2003 5:25 pm
Location: Croydon

Postby JayneToyne » Wed Jan 14, 2004 3:52 pm

to be a cycle coach all you need is a basic knowledge of the sport.

in fact, on my course there was one woman who doesnt ride at all but did sports science, sports massage etc.

you need to be someone who can communicate well and not impose your own methods upon the person/persons you are coaching. communication and understanding your subject ( person and sport) is the basis of all coaching.

Any person who has the right frame of mind/ positive mental attitude can coach. Someone who wants to bully or berate should walk away.
Posts: 188
Joined: Thu Jan 16, 2003 5:25 pm
Location: Croydon

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