Fitness vs. food

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Fitness vs. food

Postby Iliya » Thu Feb 10, 2011 12:10 am


Trying to improve my fitness and was wondering how other riders in the club make most of their nutrition. I searched through the forum and found ‘Nutrition’ and ‘Getting racing fit’ topics informative however, I would like to find out about:

1) What do people eat during day (e.g. carb rich / protein rich food) on a chain gang day?
2) What do people eat in the morning (e.g. carb rich / protein rich food) on a club run day*?
3) How long before the ride one should eat or not eat?

*I can comfortably ride on empty stomach with 18s or maybe even 19s and have breakfast in Pine Cafe but for a faster pace I think I would need some carbs before I set off. The question is how much? :)

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Re: Fitness vs. food

Postby Dan_K » Thu Feb 10, 2011 10:00 am

I don't know what works for everyone else but I always eat porridge (1 sachet of Oatso Simple made with skimmed milk) before a morning ride, sometimes with a banana in it. If it's going to be a long day, i'll have a couple of slices of wholemeal toast with peanut butter on it.

For chaingang days, because I get in from work and have to almost go straight out again, I usually opt for porridge again or a pack of flavoured cous cous.

I find I can ride upto 50 miles on that or a hard shorter ride and feel comfortable. Anything longer and I'll look to fuel up on the bike.
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Re: Fitness vs. food

Postby Andrew G » Thu Feb 10, 2011 6:09 pm

Commute = Nothing before, peanut butter toast at work. Normal lunch and dinner. Water on bike.
Club Run = peanut butter or nutella toast before (sometimes nothing as I have a delicate stomach first thing, if nothing then I have a cereal bar at CSS). Normal lunch when home, normal dinner. PSP22 carb drink and water on bike.
Long/tough/training rides rides = peanut butter or nutella toast before or a carton of rice pudding. Combination of/or Cliff bar(s), Go gels, Torq gels, cereal bar(s), pork pie, flapjack on ride. Vary what and how much I take depending on ride. PSP22 on bike, if a refil of a bidon on the way normally water. Post ride will be fairly normal but eat immediately after shower. If doing hard back-to-back days then a small bottle of REGO immediately after ride. Normal dinner.
Races = Early TTs - carton of rice pudding at home, bottle of PSP22 in the car on the way to race and while warming up, a gel about 10 mins before start time. Post race = a bottle of REGO if 25 or above (and I've remembered to take some), one or two bits of flapjack/cake. Normal lunch and dinner.
During races - 10 = nothing; 25 nothing; 50 = 500ml bottle of PSP22 (may not drink all) and a gel taken at 25 miles; 100 = a pot of rice pudding while putting the bike together, then, bottles depending on conditions (hotter = drinking more), sip every 10-15 mins, small bite of energy bar every 20-ish mins, gel every so often but depends on how digestion is for liquids v solids.

Top tip from the old days is rice pudding, slow release carbs and very gentle on your stomach. You can ride all day without stopping if you top up on the way with this wonderful stuff. Food from the gods. You can get the little pots all over the place now so can pick it up on the road if you're on a long ride and get the craving, or stick a pot in your jersey pocket (or saddlebag if it's big enough) and you're on a ton ride.
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Re: Fitness vs. food

Postby Iliya » Fri Feb 11, 2011 1:04 am

Thanks Dan! Thanks Andrew!

I've added peanut butter, rice pudding and flap jacks on the shopping list. Nutella we always have in cupboard (wife loves it :)).
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Re: Fitness vs. food

Postby Phil H » Fri Feb 11, 2011 9:53 am

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Re: Fitness vs. food

Postby Dan_K » Fri Feb 11, 2011 11:21 am

[quote="Iliya"]Thanks Dan! Thanks Andrew!

I've added peanut butter, rice pudding and flap jacks on the shopping list. Nutella we always have in cupboard (wife loves it :)).

Make your own. (Stolen from Cycle Century Training Program by James Wannop)
Also, google the recipe for Dr Lim's rice cakes if you want some more savoury food.

Energy Flapjack Recipe
The below recipe is a basic recipe that can be easily tweaked to add any ingredients you have lying around or prefer.
Rolled Oats (Plain porridge oats)
6 tablespoons of Golden Syrup
Raisins (handful)
1 Mashed up banana
1 knob of butter
2 table spoons of sugar
Melt the butter and golden syrup in a pan. Once melted add in the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly over a low heat. Add the oats last and keep adding until the mixture gets very thick and difficult to mix.
Line a shallow baking tray with aluminium foil and add the mixture pressing down firmly. Place in a hot over (about 180 degrees) for about 10-15 minutes, until the edges start to go a dark golden brown colour.
Remove from the oven and allow to cool before chopping into small cubes and wrapping 2-3 pieces in foil which can be conveniently stuffed into the back pocket of you cycling jersey.

Energy Bar Recipe
250grams of peanut butter
250 grams of clear honey
175 grams of plain muesli
200 grams of dried fruit (apricots, raisins, pineapple, apple, pear etc)
100 grams of seeds/nuts (cashews, sesame, pumkin seeds, sunflower seeds)
Gently heat the honey and peanut butter over a gentle heat. Once melted add the other ingredients and stir well.
As above place in a lined baking tray and bake for about 10-15 minutes until golden brown before cooling and cutting to bite size cubes.

Bagel of Power!
A long favourite of cyclists all over the world is the jam and peanut butter sandwich. This little snack packs all the right levels of sugar, slow release carbs and taste needed to get you though as couple of hours on the bike.
Whole meal Bagel
Peanut butter
Toast the bagel and spread one side with peanut butter, the other with jam. Simply place together and cut into bite size quarters, wrapping in pairs.

Home made Energy Drink I
1 herbal lemon or orange tea bag
2 table spoons of sugar
a pinch of salt
5 table spoons of orange juice
Bring 16 ounces of water to the boil and add the tea bag and allow to infuse for a few minutes. Add the sugar and stir to dissolve then allow to cool. Remove the tea bag and allow to cool. Add the orange juice, mix and it is ready to go!
Though you won’t taste it the salt is added to help replace any sodium that is sweated out during your ride. This is especially important if cycling in hot weather.

Home made Energy Drink II
Half a cup of honey (or use less honey and replace with sugar)
A large pinch of salt
¼ cup of lemon or lime juice
7 cups of water
Dissolve the honey/sugar in some warm water. Add the rest of the ingredients and mix thoroughly.

Mid Ride Emergency Energy Drink
Ok so imagine you are mid ride and due to the warm whether you’re out of drink and no where near an official feed station. If you see a shop all you need to do is grab a bottle of coke and add a pinch of salt. The salt will remove some of the fizz making it easier to drink that a regular coke and again add sodium. This drink can be a real life saver if you need an energy boost mid ride.
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Re: Fitness vs. food

Postby Iliya » Sun Feb 13, 2011 4:19 pm

Cheers Dan! I’ll test these over the next few weeks :)
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