Call for volunteers for Ride London-Surrey 2014

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Call for volunteers for Ride London-Surrey 2014

Postby Phil H » Sat Jan 04, 2014 7:37 pm

Passing this on:

[quote]From MVDC Councillor James Friend, we have been asked to pass on this opportunity to help out with Ride London - Surrey 2014 Sunday 10 August 2014

Last week, we had the fantastic news that Surrey East Girl Guides are to receive a grant of £100,000 towards their project to rebuild their holiday and camp site centre at Faurefold in Westcott. Now, whether you enjoy the cyclists coming through our community or it fills you with dread, comes the opportunity to get involved in the 2014 event to be held on 10th August as it passes through Wotton and Westcott.

The event next year will be managed quite differently to the last one, with roads closed later and re-opened earlier and with arrangements that mean residents will be able to get in and out of village through day if they need to get to Dorking. The professionals will make five passes of Wotton and Westcott during a two hour period in the afternoon.

The organisers have identified that one of the lessons to be learnt from last year is the need for better communication in the months leading up to the event and on the big day itself. As part of improving this aspect in particular, and following on from the very successful community volunteering work around the Olympic Torch relay in 2012, we have been working with Ride London-Surrey to identify how local people can volunteer around the event this year.

Four different opportunities have been identified:

Crossing point marshals - there are three identified crossing points in our community, each of which need two people at all times to help pedestrians move about.

Flag marshals - three people are needed to help with the professional race in the afternoon

Spectator Guide Distribution - around six people needed to help give out the event guides to people watching and to provide local information

Stewarding Buddies - people to work with the trained stewards to provide the local information so that visitors are directed to the right places

There is full training for the first two roles listed (keep July 19th and 20th free in your diary if you are interested in these two roles as the training will be at Sandown Park on one of those two days). Hopefully anyone volunteering for the Stewarding Buddy roles will already know the local area well enough to help out any visitors. On the day there will be facilities accessible to volunteers who will also receive lunch and an event T-shirt.

If you want to volunteer please just e-mail the organiser's volunteer co-ordinator Claire Larbey via or call her on 0207 902 0200 extension 208.

Please feel free to pass this request for volunteers to your local friends and neighbours too.

Roger Troughton

Secretary, Mole Valley Cycling Forum
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Phil H
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Re: Call for volunteers for Ride London-Surrey 2014

Postby HSam » Mon Jul 07, 2014 9:15 am

Just had this through from the RideLondon team. If anyone is keen, get in touch with Claire (


Hi Sam

I left an answer phone message for you last night regarding the possibility of the club volunteering at Prudential RideLondon.

As mentioned in the call we are looking for volunteers to help over 75,000 people get involved at the world’s largest festival of cycling. Volunteers are required in Wimbledon/Kingston areas on Sunday 10th August. There are two events that day, Prudential RideLondon-Surrey 100 where approx 24,000 riders will ride 100 miles from The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, around Surrey and back to finish on The Mall. Followed by 150 of the world’s top professional riders (including Mark Cavendish)who will do an extended route to finish in front of Buckingham Palace. You can check out last year’s event via a short video on YouTube

The roles are Pedestrian Crossing Point Marshals, facilitating the crossing of pedestrians when it is safe to do so or Yellow Flag Wavers for the Pro Race, warning the riders of existing road furniture such as traffic islands. Training will be provided for all volunteers and this takes place 19th & 20th July at Sandown Park and 26th July at City Hall, London.

We are looking for individuals or groups of 15+ to get involved in marshalling the event. The marshalling will take around five hours of the day

To sign up for individual volunteering click the link and fill out your details.

If the club can get 15 or more volunteers on the day, then the club will be eligible for one guaranteed entry to the 2015 event.

If you would like to put in a team of volunteers then please email for the registration process.

We hope to see you in August!

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