SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby Andy E » Mon Apr 13, 2009 4:49 pm

Stage 3 - Alfold

I really like this circuit :D Back again after helping team ACC to a 1-2 in the first race of the season i was determined to give a good account of myself today. It was nice and dry at the start and even warm enough to leave the knee warmers in the car :D After planning to be up front right from the start i somehow found myself mid-pack as we took the sharp left hander into the tight twisty lanes (need to work more on my positioning me thinks) and before i knew it there were about 6 riders off the front quickly getting a good gap. Managed to move myself up through the bunch by the time we came down the hill and took the left hander (Dunsfold finish) and tried to jump across to the break at least 4 times over the course of the next half a lap, although bizarrely was chased down by the Yellow Jersey each time (he obviously didn't know i was ~1hr down on GC :roll: ). Decided to drop back a bit and bide my time for a while and the break got caught on the 2nd lap, when i managed to get into a break of 4 + 1 dynamo sitting on. Stayed away for about half a lap before we were dragged back. Was feeling good though and dropped back to recover before trying again.

With one lone guy still out front (not sure if he was from the original break or not) I overheard the Yellow Jersey give the order to reel him in. Six Dynamo's went straight to the front and gobbled up his lead within minutes, they're much more organised than normal. As soon as we were all back together I countered with a guy from Bayeaux Landscapes(?). This was with about a lap and a half to go (~22km) and we had another Dynamo for company, who although he wasn't sitting on purposefully he wasn't strong enough to do more than about 2 turns. We ended up dropping him on the short climb up through Alfold village and were working really well together with no sign of the bunch behind. Into the last 5km up the last few draggy bits and i thought we were in with a real chance of making it to the finish, i was feeling really strong and starting to put in the longer turns. 2km to go and I could just see the bunch in the distance, probably 20secs back so dug in for one last push, not wanting to leave anything in the tank i came through and just floored it after getting a great cheer from Serge :D , lungs burning, legs screaming but still hopeful of making it to the line ahead of the pack. 1km to go and i'd dropped my companion but the bunch was almost on top of me, and they finally caught me with about 700m to go :x I tried getting the wheel of the first few who came past but couldn't hold it and was quickly out the back, which wasn't a bad thing as a few seconds afterwards someone clipped an oncoming car and about 8 people went down hard :!: Stopped to help a few up before pootling across the line.

Pleased with my effort and how the legs felt, and at least i managed to finish today. Was good to see Keith & Michelle at the finish and managed a chat with Sylv back at HQ (chapeau Sir :D )

Looking forward to Chilham now and working hard for hopefully another ACC win.
Andy E
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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby Toks » Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:12 pm

Great effort Andy. You're definitley strong enough for a win now and equally as important you've got the confidence to match your form. Justy a bit of luck is needed and that win will come :D
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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby Andrew G » Mon Apr 13, 2009 5:20 pm

Bad luck on the 3 days as a whole race Andy as you were looking strong in Mallorca. Great effort today and so unlucky not to just manage to hang on for a(nother) solo victory. That would have been a nice cherry on the HQ cake, but I'm sure a win won't be too far away, particularly if you have some other Addiscombe in the race who are able to lend a backup hand when you get down the road.

I hope no-one was hurt in the accident, but equally hope they were racing responsibly (what with it being an oncoming car) and not all over the road as if it was closed roads. I know it's difficult at the time and with the adrenaline flowing but I do think some people get a bit too carried away in some of our amateur racing and do some stupid things when there's cars on the roads just for a few points and perhaps a race win. Organisers have to do risk analysis, but there are some riders who could do with running a bit past their brains from time to time.
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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby Keith » Mon Apr 13, 2009 6:43 pm

Great to see you in a 3 man breakaway with one lap to go:


Today's stage winner:


Well done for getting to the end of you first stage race. I'm still only just recovered from Majorca, and you've done 3 days of race in the meantime. Chapeau. You looked a bit relieved to have finished:

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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby Andy E » Tue Apr 14, 2009 9:57 am

[quote="Andrew G"]I hope no-one was hurt in the accident, but equally hope they were racing responsibly (what with it being an oncoming car) and not all over the road as if it was closed roads. I know it's difficult at the time and with the adrenaline flowing but I do think some people get a bit too carried away in some of our amateur racing and do some stupid things when there's cars on the roads just for a few points and perhaps a race win. Organisers have to do risk analysis, but there are some riders who could do with running a bit past their brains from time to time.

Cheers Andrew :D I must admit it was a reasonably sensible run-in compared to others i've seen. All the riders were in the left hand lane but i guess one of them just got a bit too close to the middle. Overall i've been pretty impressed with the standard of riding, with only the odd one or two idiots making stupid moves. I certainly don't envy the organisers and have a huge amount of respect for the work they must get through to put these races on.
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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby Sylv » Tue Apr 14, 2009 10:21 am

Good work on the final stage Andy, I know how it feels to be your own team :lol:

I was amazed to see your bike still rolling at the end of your stage
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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby Toks » Tue Apr 14, 2009 6:48 pm

[quote="Andrew G"]
I hope no-one was hurt in the accident,.
I thought you'd like to know Andrew. Taken from the London Dynamo Website...

Firstly there was a bit of a crash at the end of todays race. Robin, Christian, Rob and Paul ended up on the floor. Paul and Rob crashed rather badly and ended up being ambulanced (is that a word?) to hospital.
Christian landed on Robin which was lucky for him and not so lucky for Robin, but both of them were OK. In fact Robin is made of such sturdy stuff that the derailier on Mr C's bike bent as it bounced off him.

Christian spoke to Paul and Rob and they are both ok, well Paul is covered with cuts and bruises and Rob has a broken finger and a disolocated shoulder. I'm sure Christian will fill you in with the exact details but the main thing is they are doing OK, in a battered just fallen from a bike at race speed kind of way.

I wish you the best and a speedy recovery fellas.
Just got home from the hospital. Ended up with a dislocated finger which they straightened out and a dislocated clavicle, which might need surgery. No broken bones though and it seems that the Serotta escaped without a scratch.

Looks like 6-8 weeks off the bike so you will need to find a new recruit for the EdF and I will need to learn to love the turbo trainer.
hi everyone. just got back from the hospital. as nick said there was a crash today and it was bad. i think i was doing 45-50kph going for the sprint when i came off after someone cutting sharply in front of me.

all i remember is landing on my head and shielding myself from other riders. my hip is like a golf ball and i have a large puncture wound in my knee and other lots of pretty bad road rash on my shoulders, forearms and hip and four fingers bandaged up. so now i'm coverd in dressings.

my dynamo jersey had to be cut off me by the ambulance guys as well as my base layer and armwarmers because at that time my head wern't feeling too great and had to be given oxygen.
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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby Andrew G » Tue Apr 14, 2009 7:49 pm

[quote]the Serotta escaped without a scratch.

Good, they are nice bikes.

Seriously I'm glad people weren't hurt badly as I don't like to see any cyclists injured, some seem to have a death wish but...

I also hope Keith and Glyn don't have to cope with too much hassle as a result of a crash with a car during a SL race.
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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby glyn » Tue Apr 14, 2009 11:28 pm

There was no 3rd party involved with this one. No one hit an on coming car. It was just 4 London Dynamo riders getting tangled up with each other.

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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby Andy E » Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:06 am

Thanks for the clarification Glyn, and glad to hear the guys are on the mend.
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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby George » Wed Apr 15, 2009 10:07 am

[quote="glyn"]There was no 3rd party involved with this one. No one hit an on coming car. It was just 4 London Dynamo riders getting tangled up with each other.


You can read em like a book :wink:
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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby -Adam- » Wed Apr 15, 2009 12:53 pm

[quote="Keith"]Today's stage winner:


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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby Snoop Doug » Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:27 pm

[quote="Keith"]Today's stage winner:


...has just been disqualified for showing no regard whatsoever to complementary colours :shock: . This bloke should think himself lucky the fashion police weren't judging the event. Orange, blue, yellow, white, black, green, pink. As he went zooming past he must've looked like a high speed vomit....or something :lol: . Simply shocking.
Snoop Doug

Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby -Adam- » Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:36 pm

Don't worry, I'll have a word!

I know he's waiting for a team frame, same as I, once they arrive, things will look a bit nicer! I believe white helmets are being issued also... don't worry snoop!!
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Re: SL Easter 3-day - 3rds

Postby Grahame » Wed Apr 15, 2009 2:53 pm

Is it just me? Or are any of the other (older) mountainbikers in the club reminded of the mid-90s [url=]Mint Sauce Race and Flowers jersey?[/url]
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